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ImageCLEFPhoto Ground Truth

Cluster Eval

More information about the tool to evaluate the diversity can be found here.


The Relevance Judgment is in following format, using a *tab* as the delimiter between columns.
3 0 04/4533 1
3 0 30/30011 1
3 0 00/28 1
3 0 02/2369 1
... etc

1. The first column is the topic number
2. The second column is a dummy entry and is not used in ImageCLEF 2008 and should be set to 0.
3. The third column is the official document number of the retrieved document. This will take the form of: directory/filename, e.g. "15/15001" where the filename has the extension removed.
4. The fourth column is relevance assessment. This is done in two levels: "1" represents "relevant" and "0" represents "non relevant"

Cluster Assessment File

The Cluster Assessment files is in following format, using a *space* as the delimiter between columns.
2 1 37/37393
2 1 37/37394
2 2 37/37169
2 2 37/37194
... etc

1. The first column is the topic number
2. The second column is the subtopic id. It declares to which cluster a relevant images belongs to
3. The third column is the official document number of the retrieved document. This will take the form of: directory/filename, e.g. "15/15001" where the filename has the extension removed.
In order for better human understanding the ImageCLEFPhoto Cluster Assessment have been augmented with descriptions like